The truth about reading

Every once in awhile I pick up a book. It sounds simple, but when you think about it, sometimes it’s difficult to schedule in time for such simple things such as reading for pleasure, but there are some major benefits to reading. The things I love about just reading are that one, it allows you to travel to a completely different place, time, and even universe. Who doesn’t want to escape reality for a little while. Second, I find it really interesting that books expose you to a different language and way of thinking. After I read, the way I think and even the way I speak can sometimes morph into the book I’ve been amerced in. Especially phrases of speech the main character uses a lot. Finally, the last thing I love about reading is, it’s timeless. There’s something magical about things in our culture that endure. To pick up a book and read for the pleasure of reading, is the same thing people have been doing for ages. It’s a timeless equalizer. A reminder that we still have something in common with the past. And do people ever really change?

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