
Have you ever sat back and wondered why things are the way they are. If you believe in a God, then you believe there is a devine overseer of all things. If thats true then there’s a reason for why things are the way they are. For me this brings about the question, why am I me? Why was born into a wonderful family with both a mom and dad in the picture. Why was I given everything I ever needed or wanted out of life, when there are so many people who don’t have these things. Sometimes I feel as if I’ve been so blessed that I wonder why me.

I think the important thing to remember is that in the end there has to be a reason. If you believe in a God and your blessed, then there is a reason your blessed. If you don’t believe in a God and life is hard, then that’s just random chance. In my mind. I think God blesses people for certain reasons, to fufill some purpose that only by having those “blessings” are we able to fufull. It is our job to figure out that purpose.

In the end, its designed for one person and one person alone.

Isn’t it nice to know, were special!

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