To Close

Seeing as this is my last blog, I thought I’d just talk about things that make me happy. I think I spoke in one of my earlier blogs about how important it is to be happy, but everyone has different things that make them happy. Here’s a few of mine. I love feeling of the sun when it first turns into summer. The smell of rain right before a storm. I love just driving down the country side as the sun is setting and coming across a lake. The sound of a kitten purring or the way a flower looks right before it blooms. I love lazy days, days you just get to wake up and sit around in your pjs, have some coffee, and just watch movies (those days are even better if it’s raining outside). I think finding happiness in the little things, is the best way to just find happiness as a whole. Those little things, just make your days better. They just make you happier… and what’s life if your not happy?Image

The truth about reading


Every once in awhile I pick up a book. It sounds simple, but when you think about it, sometimes it’s difficult to schedule in time for such simple things such as reading for pleasure, but there are some major benefits to reading. The things I love about just reading are that one, it allows you to travel to a completely different place, time, and even universe. Who doesn’t want to escape reality for a little while. Second, I find it really interesting that books expose you to a different language and way of thinking. After I read, the way I think and even the way I speak can sometimes morph into the book I’ve been amerced in. Especially phrases of speech the main character uses a lot. Finally, the last thing I love about reading is, it’s timeless. There’s something magical about things in our culture that endure. To pick up a book and read for the pleasure of reading, is the same thing people have been doing for ages. It’s a timeless equalizer. A reminder that we still have something in common with the past. And do people ever really change?



Have you ever sat back and wondered why things are the way they are. If you believe in a God, then you believe there is a devine overseer of all things. If thats true then there’s a reason for why things are the way they are. For me this brings about the question, why am I me? Why was born into a wonderful family with both a mom and dad in the picture. Why was I given everything I ever needed or wanted out of life, when there are so many people who don’t have these things. Sometimes I feel as if I’ve been so blessed that I wonder why me.

I think the important thing to remember is that in the end there has to be a reason. If you believe in a God and your blessed, then there is a reason your blessed. If you don’t believe in a God and life is hard, then that’s just random chance. In my mind. I think God blesses people for certain reasons, to fufill some purpose that only by having those “blessings” are we able to fufull. It is our job to figure out that purpose.

In the end, its designed for one person and one person alone.

Isn’t it nice to know, were special!