The most strange and completely normal thing that we all do

Can we take a moment to realize just how strange sleeping is?

What are dreams and what are there purpose? I read once that dreams are a reflection of you unconsiousness. That dreams only reflect your deepest desires. I find the whole process of dreaming fascinating. Sleep, itself is an interesting concept because if you really think about it, everytime you close your eyes at night, a little section of your life just dissapears. For hours on end, you lose complete comprehension of everything you know, whilst your mind actively goes through random imagery, conversations, scenarios, memories, you name it. All of these things you have no control over. Over 33% of the average human life is spent sleeping. That’s over quarter of your life that you have no memory of. If you really just take a step back and think about this. It becomes apparent that sleeping is one of the most strange and completely normal thing that people do.

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