I had an interesting thought the other day that kind of blew my mind. Does anything physical really exist? Our minds gather information. Everything we see, we touch, taste, smell, is really just our mind telling us that it exists, but what is real then? The question itself if mind boggeling. Some would say that what we touch is physical, it is obviously physical which is why we can feel it. But isn’t it our brain that tells us we “feel” something. Do we actually feel it? If our mind told us something was soft when it was actually hard, our concept of what is hard would be associated with the word soft. Does anything actually exist outside our own consciousness? The same is true for those who are color blind. They may see some colors but their “blue” for instance is something compleatly different than someone else’s blue and yet they’ve always defined blue as the color in which they see. This brings about another question. How did we ever discover that their blue was different from someone else’s? Aren’t words just abstract expressions of the physical world…if there is a physical world at all…

Mind = blown

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