Quote of the Week

These days, I keep a journal. Actually, it’s not quite a journal at all, its more of a memory book, but then again it’s not really that either. Sometimes the things you can’t quite explain, have the most significance to you. There’s just too much in them to be equated to an average word. All I can say is I keep everything in this journal. I keep sketches, letters, songs, lost thoughts, ideas, broken concepts. I keep myself in it. Sometimes, I like to just go through some of the older things, things I wrote awhile back. It was in doing this the other night that I came across a quote I had written down that just really re-registered in my mind. It goes something like this…

“Don’t be afraid of death, be afraid of the unlived life. You don’t have to live forever you just have to live.”

That was line from the novel Tuck Everlasting and it just really stuck with me. If you know anything about the story, you’d know that the Tuck family was blessed/cursed with eternal life and Winnie Foster was offered this life, but she turned it down. I find it interesting that we as people cling to time. We long for it more and more and yet, the moment at hand when we actually have it, we many times squander it. We as a race are so dependent on it, that our days are attached to it. It is on each of our phones, it’s on our watches, it dictates our lives and rules our existance. If only we had more time for this. If only we had less time for that. Now I know we can’t just throw time out the window, but what if, for once, we didn’t worry about how long we have to do something or how long don’t have. What if we stopped and just lived because in the end, worrying about time is just wasting time, isn’t it?

Food for thought…                              om_nom_nom_nom_by_xinzhitan14

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