
My name is Brittany Davis and I’m currently a Visual Communications Major/Graphic Design minor at Mary Hardin Baylor. A little about me. I love the arts, painting, drawling, sculpting, the whole nine yards. I find every piece of creating invigorating and as such, I believe that a lot can go into adding to a creative mind. God created this world to be beautiful. If you’ve ever seen a sunset across the ocean or the misty mountain snow caps in the winter; if you’ve looked into the expanse of the sparkling sky at night, you know this to be true. God is an artist. It only makes since then that we, as his creation, at our very core desire to seek beauty in the world in which we live. If this is true, then creating art is, at its essence, a part of who we are. I know at least it is for me. Therefore, I only found it fitting that in this blog, I would talk about anything and everything I find to be inspiring. Because only though inspiration comes creation!

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